The Dialogue Forum Seminars Discusses the Arabization of Science

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Alexandria— The BA Dialogue Forum is organizing a seminar on Saturday, 21 November 2009, entitled “The Arabization of Science”. The Seminar will host Dr. Mohamed Abu El-Ghar. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University; and Dr. Mohamed El-Hamalawy, Professor of ...

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Cairo Salon Discusses Citizenship

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Alexandria— The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, dedicates two special episodes to the issue of citizenship. The first episode will be aired on Friday, 20 November 2009, at 20:00 hrs., on Egyptian TV Channel One. Serageldin ...

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A Theatrical Performance Celebrating Yannis Ritsos

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Alexandria— The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center in cooperation with the Alexandria Annex of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture holds a performance of the play Orestis on Sunday 22 November 2009. This theatrical monologue celebrates Yannis Ritsos’s year, marking the 100th ...

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United Nations Under Secretary General Gives a Lecture at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA External Relations Sector hosts H.E. Ambassador Lynn Pascoe, United Nations Under Secretary General for Political Affairs, who gives a Lecture entitled “The UN: Preventing Crises and Mediating Disputes”, on Wednesday 25 November 2009. Ambassador Pascoe was appointed at the ...

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The BA Celebrates the World AIDS Day

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Alexandria— The World Bank Public Information Center (PIC)- the BA Depository Library, and the Egyptian Aids Society, in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Health, will co-organize on Sunday, 22 November 2009, a celebration marking the World AIDS Day. The 1st of December world annual ...

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